This comprehensive guide includes:

    1. Introduction

    2. 1. Introduction to the DPSI Examination

    3. 2. DPSI Examination Format (Units)

    4. 3. DPSI Examination - UNIT 01 (Interpreting)

    5. 4. DPSI Examination - UNIT 01 - Advice from students and the CIOL.

    6. 5. DPSI Examination - UNITS 02 and 03 (Sight Translation)

    7. 6. DPSI Examination - UNITS 02 and 03 - Advice from students and the CIOL.

    8. 7. DPSI Examination - UNITS 04 and 05 (Written Translation)

    9. 8. DPSI Examination - UNITS 04 and 05 - Advice from students and the CIOL.

    10. 9. Fatal Errors

    11. 10. After the DPSI Exam - FAQs


  • £29.00
  • 11 lessons

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