How do Mock Exams work?

  • Provided with real exam paper

    You are provided with a real Chartered Institute of Linguists past Exam Paper and instructions. A registered CIoL Invigilator will invigilate your mock exam.

  • Sit the exam

    Under exam conditions, you will sit the mock exam virtually from your own desk (audio submissions are recorded), whilst being monitored by the Invigilator via video-link.

  • Your paper is marked

    Your submission is marked by an experienced LanguagePartner following CIoL criteria, indicating if you are ready for the exam and where you need to focus revision.

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Feedback from a Mock Exam student

"I have been practising sight translations, taking time into consideration (which I hadn’t really considered before), and I’m finding it easier with practice, so the Mock Exams certainly helped me discover what my weaknesses were and work on them. Your advice has been essential." Aleksandra, Mock Exams

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